Please, regularly visit this page for upcoming ministerial programs and events.

Dec 3
Youth Violence Prevention Forum
You are invited to discuss a very important issue facing our community Violence among youth. There will be prizes, games, pizza, gifts and testimonials from former gang members and their regeneration by God.
When: Saturday, December 3
Time: 5:00pm - 7:30pm
Address: 13331 York Center Rd. Ste D. Charlotte, NC 28273
Christmas Special Service
The Church of Puerto Nuevo invites you to its Christmas service of Candlelight Service. This service is for the whole family, there will be worship music, coffee, hot chocolate, a theatrical special for the children and much more.
When: December 24
Time: 6:00pm - 7:30pmPM
Address: 13331 York Center Rd. Ste D. Charlotte, NC 28273

I Puerto Nuevo New Year's Eve Celebration
The Puerto Nuevo Church celebrates the end of the year with the family, there will be worship music, games, testimonies, food and much more. For more information call 704-909-0452.
It will be a very special time.
Date: December 24, Saturday, 9:00 PM
Time: 9:00pm - 12AM
Place: Puerto Nuevo Church 13331 York Center Rd. Ste D. Charlotte, NC 28273
December 31
other upcoming events :
21 Day of Fasting and Prayer.
2 times ayear, beginning in January and September The church enters its 21 Days of Fasting ANDPrayer. A solemn time where we seekdirection, we giveAction of Grace and we intercede inprayer for various important issues. Starts January 1-21, 2023

El Redil is a workshop for future leaders within the church, whose objective is 1. That we learn more about God, 2. liberation, 3. Discoverwhich are our spiritual gifts and 4. Connect in a ministry so thatlet's go out make a difference in our community...world
Puerto Nuevo Health Center
Puerto Nuevo Church has entered into a collaboration with Recast, an organization under the Mecklenburg Health Department to help families in various areas. The QR code can be used with a smart phone or tablet by scanning the code to see the different help areas. For more information you can call 704-909-0452 or follow the instructions of the QR Code.

Puerto Nuevo Bible Study:
Every Friday at 7:30 PM Puerto Nuevo Bible Studies is eifying lives with the Word of God and acquiring people wisdom and intelligence through different studies. these Studies are of great depth and revelation._cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_